Unity software overview
Ways to install packages
package manager
The Ubuntu system package manager apt
downloads its packages pre-compiled from the Ubuntu repository. These are in standard locations like /usr/bin
so that they are always found in your $PATH
. This requires administrator access. To avoid conflicts, most software is only available in one version. As a rule, we only install basic support packages this way, not research software.
Environment modules
There are a wide variety of modules available with the module
or in /modules/spack/packages/
Relevant documentation:
Conda environments
The conda package manager allows users to compile software easily and without administrator privileges. Conda creates environments for a set of compatible software, and you can activate the environments as needed.
Relevant Documentation:
Virtual environments in Python
The venv module in Python creates a light virtual environment that allows users to isolate specific versions of the Python interpreter and software libraries for their projects. It comes with the standard library of Python and does not require a separate installation. Venv is ideal for project-based workflows.
Relevant documentation:
R package management
Generally you can use R
’s native install.packages()
and it should work as intended. However, if you have external dependencies, using them with our standard modules r-rocker-ml-verse/*-apptainer
may run into issues. You can build a container for it, using a recipe like this:
Bootstrap: docker
From: rocker/ml-verse:{{ R_VERSION }}
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install jags
# Install R packages
Rscript -e 'install.packages("pak")'
Rscript -e 'pak::pak(c("rjags", "jagsUI", "coda", "EnvStats", "sads"))'
And then build the container giving a destination image name (.sif
) and the preceding definition file:
apptainer build --ignore-fakeroot-command my-r.sif my-r.def
Relevant Documentation:
Containers: Docker, Singularity, and Apptainer
While Docker is not supported in an HPC environment, Apptainer provides nearly equivalent capability. It’s possible to pull an existing Docker image into a local Apptainer image file like this:
apptainer pull docker://ollama/ollama
If you need to install your own set of software, you can create and build your own container as show preceding in R Package Management
Building software from scratch
Building software from scratch is the most flexible method, but also the most involved. In some cases, it requires deep knowledge of the software in question, including its dependencies and other requirements.
While any well maintained software should provide some installation instructions, usually in a README or INSTALL file, there are many that assume the user has some knowledge of common build systems. This is particularly true for code that is mostly in C/C++ or Fortran.
The following content is a general guide. Please read it completely before starting, but be aware that a single guide can not capture all of the potential complexity.
Part 1: Obtaining the code
When fetching the code, we recommend using compressed release bundles instead of doing a git clone
. Compressed release bundles are:
- Usually single files with an extension of
, or.zip
. - Often contain a “build ready” set of files with more content than is in the repository itself.
If a Release file is available:
- Download it with a command such as
wget https:/...
. This command saves it with the same filename as the end of the URL.- In some cases this might be just
, which is not descriptive. You may provide a name withwget -O somepackage-v4.1.1.tar.gz https://...
- In some cases this might be just
- Extract files with
or similar withtar xf filename.tar.gz
.- We recommend checking the contents with
tar tf filename.tar.gz
to see if it’s going to extract everything to a new subdirectory, or put files in the current directory as well. - For
files, useunzip -l filename.zip
to check the directory structure first.
- We recommend checking the contents with
If a Git project doesn’t have a Release file:
- Check to see if it has “tagged” version available.
- Download the
of the “tagged” version or checkout that version with a command such as:git clone https://..../project ; cd project ; git checkout v4.1.1
.- If there are no tags at all, then this is probably very untested software and you should scrutinize it carefully before proceeding.
Part 2: Building the code
Once you have the code, the next step is to identify the build system. Look at the files at the top level of the code. Different programming languages use different tools. The following are the basic commands, though most of them require extra arguments.
Language | File | Build Command |
Java | pom.xml | mvn |
build.xml | ant | |
Python | environment.yml | conda |
requirements.txt | pip | |
pyproject.toml | poetry | |
setup.py | python setup.py | |
C/C++ | CMakeLists.txt | cmake -Bbuild && cmake --build build |
Makefile | make | |
configure | ./configure && make | |
autogen.sh | ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make |
Part 3: Installing the program
Before building, you should decide where you want the software to end up after installing. By default, many packages may try to install to a location your user account can’t write to.
We recommend placing the software under the PI /work
folder so that you can share the software with other members of your group. Installing in /home
is possible, but has a much smaller quota. Building in /project
will be much slower, and running from there may also have run-time performance impacts. Since /scratch
is temporary, software installed there will be lost.
Each build system has its own way of specifying the location.
- For Java, you may need to edit the
file or at least examine it to determine how to override its default. - For Python, use either Conda or venv.
- For C/C++ and Fortran projects, consult the following table to specify a destination directory:
Build file | Command |
CMakeLists.txt | cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/work/... |
configure | ./configure --prefix=/work/... |
Makefile | Edit the Makefile |
After building, run the install command:
Build file | Command |
CMakeLists.txt | cmake --install build |
configure /Makefile | make install |
Not all Makefile based projects provide an install
target, so you may just end up with a binary somewhere under the project directory, maybe at the top level, maybe not.
Notes on certain build systems
- With
, you can useccmake
for an interactively view of all of the possible parameters.- This is sometimes necessary to turn on or off certain features, or to specify dependency location information.
- For “autobuild” style packages, there is a cascade of commands to run.
- If there is an
file, it can create a./configure
file from a./configure.in
file. However, only do this if./configure
doesn’t already exist. - If there is a
but no./autogen.sh
, you can tryaclocal && autoconf && automake && libtoolize --force
- If there is an